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Dr. Rajendra Kumar Dash

Homeopathic practitioner and Life Coach

Heat related illness


All beings are affected by the environment and human has no exception. Not only
thermal conditions but also other environmental conditions like quality of air,
components of biotic environment, quality of water etc also affect the living being and
we are more concerned about the health of humans.

Heat Related Illness:

A wide range of conditions are classified as heat-related illnesses, right from
medical emergencies like heatstroke to conditions like heat oedema, heat rash, heat
syncope, cramping in the muscles, and heat exhaustion etc. Unwanted health
conditions arising from excess environmental heat is known as heat Related Illness.

How does the body stay cool?

Thermoregulation is the process by which your body maintains a normal core
temperature. The hypothalamus is a part of brain that regulates thermoregulation. It
helps to lose heat and maintain a normal core temperature by activating receptors in
skin and other organs. When body gets extremely hot, it relies on sweat evaporation
to dissipate heat. A heat-related illness could arise if the body is losing heat less quickly
than it is gaining it, which would raise the body’s core temperature.

What causes heat illnesses?

As the name of the illness suggests, it’s caused by excessive heat that increases
the body’s core temperature. Exercise, being in a hot environment, or the outside
weather could all contribute to that heat illness. More than 60% humidity makes it
difficult for sweat to evaporate. A heat illness happens when the body is s unable to
dissipate heat effectively, the balance of salt and water in body becomes unbalanced
and the temperature rises. Sweating fails to keep the body cool.

Heat oedema

It is mild swelling of feet, ankle and hands which appears in a few days of
exposure to the hot environment, and do not progress to pretibial region.


Usually it resolves spontaneously within days to 6 weeks.
Elevate leg and use compressive stocking to prevent it.
Avoid exposure to such environment.


Homoeopathic medicines like Apis mellifica, Kalium carbonicum,
Arsenicum album, Ferrum metallicum etc can be tried for early resolution of the
issue on the basis of totality of symptoms presented by the person affected.

Sunburn or heat rash

Heat rash happens when excessive sweat gets trapped under the skin and blocking
the sweat glands. Pruritic macula-papular and erythematous rashes typically appear
over covered areas of body. Prolonged or repeated heat exposure may lead to chronic
dermatitis. Painful, red, and warm skin along with blister on the skin may also be
observed. Red clusters of small blisters that look like pimples on the skin to which we
call prickly heat.


Some cooer place or air conditioned space should be preferred.Skin should be dried off smoothly. Cold compresses should be applied on skin.

Nothing should be applied on skin that may block the pores on skin which are
meant for releasing sweat and sweat release is meant for cooling of body by
means of evaporation. Those include baby powder, creams and ointments. Always
clean, light, loose-fitting, breathable fabric clothing should be used. Activities or
environments that induce diaphoresis or profuse sweating should be avoided. If
the condition persists without any relief for longer duration than desired, then
consult your healthcare provider.


Homoeopathic medicines for such conditions having good result
are like Bryonia alba, Clemitis, Cantharis, Hygrophilia sphinosa, Syzygium
jambolanum and sulphur etc.

Heat Cramps & Heat Tetany

Heat cramps occur due to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, particularly the
loss of sodium and chloride through sweating. Heat tetany otherwise known as
hyperventilation tetany or lactate tetany, results from rapid breathing
(hyperventilation) and subsequent respiratory alkalosis, which can occur in response to
heat stress. Parasthesia, numbness and tingling of Extremities along with spasm of feet
etc. may also be observed. Common symptoms include painful, involuntary, spasmodic
contractions of skeletal muscle (calves, thighs and shoulder) in limited muscle group
for limited time.

Management of Heat cramps: 

Replacement (IV or Oral)of fluid and salt is
highly essential in such conditions.

Management of Heat tetany: 

Patient should be made calm to reduce
respiratory rate.


 Homoeopathic medicines suitable for such clinical conditions are
like, Arnica, Cuprum met, Helonious, Mag, phos.

Heat exhaustion

This illness may happen after a longer period of time in high temperatures where
the person does not receive enough fluids. Symptoms are like quick, shallow breathing,
heavy sweating and thirst. Person may experience muscle cramps, headache and
irritability. Elevated body temperature and heart rate along with weak, quick pulse is
also possible to occur. Skin may be moist, cool and pale looking. Other symptoms like
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea etc may also be observed.Amount of urination may
decrease along with dizziness, weakness, lack of coordination and fainting.


Person should be shifted to a cool, shaded area or go indoors and
allowed to drink cold water but in smallsips. Cold clothes should be ut on his skin.
Person may be sprayed with a small mist in front of fan. When required, person
may be shifted to emergency department.


Homoeopathic medicines like Antimonium crudum, Natrum
carb, Glonoine, Thuja, Gelsemium, Camphora Cactus, Opium, Sanguinaria
Canadensis etc may be useful for such conditions depending on the symptoms of
the person.

Heat stroke

Heatstroke is a medical condition that arises from the body overheating, typically
due to extended exposure to high temperatures or physical exertion in such conditions.
Heatstroke, the most severe type of heat injury, can happen if your body temperature
reaches 104 F (40 C) or higher.The condition is most common in the summer months
and the symptoms are like high body temperature, hot, red, dry or damp skin, fast
strong pulse along with headache and nausea. Other symptoms may be include signs
of CNS dysfunction like confusion, delirium, ataxia, seizures etc. Some of the late
findings may be anhidrosis, coagulopathy and multiple organ failure etc.


Affected person must leave the heated are first and attend to the
emergency department without delay. Tll he reach the emergency department,
all clothes must be loosened, cooling must be started with water sprayer and cool
compression. Feet must be elevated and no liquid shoud be given.Person should
reach emergency within 30 minutes of such incident.


Homoeopathic medicines found useful uring initial stage of such
conditions are like, Aconite, Belladonna, Amylenum nitrosum, Natrum
carbonicum, Lachesis and Glonoine etc.
Indications of Homoeopathic Medicines for Heat Related Illness: Indications of
some of the common medicines used for heat related illness are mentioned below. They
may be helpful when the indications match with that of the person affected will HRI.

Aconite :

• For the consequence of sunstroke & excessive heat of the stove especially where
the patient was exposed to the immediate heat.
Amyl nittrisum:
• congestive stage of sunstroke.
• Anxity, longing for fresh air, dull confusion of head, giddy, intoxicated feeling,
head feel full to brusting, variable pulsation in temple, sensation of blood rushing
upwards, eyes protruded, staring conjunctiva blood-shot, red face.
• Crampy epigastric pain, burning and pressure in the stomach.
• Dysponea and constriction in cheast, tumultuous beating of heart.
• Tottering gait, tired feeling in legs, weak relaxed feeling.
Antimon crud:
• One is unable to bear the heat of the sun, or is exhausted by doing the least work
in the sun, with nightsweat.
• Aphonia from becoming overheated.
• Constant desire to sleep with gastric symptoms.
• Exhaustion and topor from the continued effect of heat, violent attacks of
anguish, dull stupefying headache and vertigo, especially when walking
everything appears to turn around; burning in the brain, the remaining of the
body being cool.
• Contraction of pupils, nausea and vomiting, pain in cardiac region, as if got a
violent shock.
• Short panting breath; dysponea with general sinking of strength.
• First stage of sunstroke. Headache with feeling of fulness and sensation as if
everything would issue through the forehead. Irritation of the cerebral nerves or
great fearfulness; tendency to start and dread of things around or near one;
disposition to weep and scream.
• Painful feeling of fulness in head ; inappetence or loathing; vomiting and
diarrhea; vehement disposition; fits of anger, perhaps during sequele.
• Dyspeptic aliments during summer heat.
• Vertigo, from sanguineous congestion to the head with excessive pain in head,
and great prostration and weariness, pressing pain in the head as if a great
weight lay on vertex aggravation by talking and noise.
• Dimness of sight, pulsations in ears.
• Difficulty of breathing, continued oppression and uneasiness, as if the chest were
constricted with an iron band.
Carbo veg:
• Every exposure to heat causes headache, heaviness, pulsative pains, and
pressure over the eyes; pain in eyes, whenever patient endeavors to look at a
• Hyperemia of the brain from excess of heat.
• Confusion with dizziness. Losing the senses and sinking down unconscious,
preceded by vertigo, nausea, violent headache, and flushed face
• Effect of sunstroke, heat on head. Sun headache increases and decreases with
• Shocks in the head, synchronous with pulses.
• Countenance pale and agitated; thirsty.
• Oppressed breathing, sighing; constriction and anxiety; laborious and violent
action of the heart; muscular tremor, sopor, and great prostration.
• Chronic sequelae. Talkative delirium; feeling of horror; weak memory; vertigo.
• Headache over the eyes and in occiput; pain extending into neck; glimmering
before eyes; nosebleed; face sunken, or bloated and red; tongue paralytic,
trembles when protruded.
• Constriction of throat; difficult deglutition; offensive stools; blowing expiration;
cannot bear the neck touched.
• Constriction of chest; palpitation; heart feels constricted, can bear no pressure;
pulse variable; muscular spasms; trembling; epileptiform convulsions; moaning
during coma.
Natrum carb:
• Chronic effects of sunstroke.
• Great debility caused by summer heat.
• Head feels stupefied and aches <sunheat. Vertigo from exposure to sun
• Ill effect of drinking cold water when over heated.
• Inability to think; dazzling flashes or black spots before the eyes; dimness of
sight and palpitation.
• Debility from least exertion with great weakness of limb.
• Aliments from becoming heated.
• Lessen voluntary movement, contracts pupils, depress higher intellectual power
• Hot, damp sweating, constant desire to uncover.
• Hot perspirstion all over body except lower limb.
• Sun headache < right side.
• Red, blotchy eruption < in spring.
• Burning & itching < by heat.
• Circumscribed red spots over malar bone.
• The heat causes nausea and other gastric ailments ; feeling as if intoxicated ;
gloominess and vertigo; unsteady and confused in his actions; groaning;
shaking of brain, when stepping firmly; disagreeable feeling, as if the head were
teeming with living things whirling around in it.
• Sunstroke, first and second stage; headache most unbearable, with nausea and
vomiting, like seasickness, and with shaking chills, aggravated by the least
noise ; throbbing from forehead to occiput; sick stomach; worse on rising from
lying; hard, heavy, dull pressure behind the eyes.
Veratrum viride:
• Effect of sun stroke. Congestion intense, almost apoplectic.
• Hot head, bloodshot eyes. Bloated livid face. Hippocratic face.
• Head retracted, pupils dilated, diplopia.
• Pulse slow, weak, irregular, intermittent. Rapid pulse, low tension.
• Severe pain in joints & muscle. Violent electric shock like pain in limb.
• Hyperthermy in the evening &hypothermy in the morning.
• Itching in various parts with hot sweats
• Sunburns. Burns, scalds with rawnwss and smarting relieved by cold application
followed by undue inflammation. Eruption with mealy scales. Vesicular eruption
with burning and itching.
• Urticaria < summer.
• Small red pimples and eruption all over resembling measles, prickly heat.
• Prickly heat in the upper part of the body. Small red pimples itch violently.
• Other rare remedies are like Iodium, Kali. carb, Kali. Sulphur, Melilotus etc
• For the conditions like never well since a heat stroke; Veratrum album may be useful.
• Ilex paraguariensis may be used for prophylactic against sunstroke.

It’s important to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for proper evaluation and individualized treatment. Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and considered safe when prescribed by a trained professional. They are typically available in various potencies, and the appropriate potency and dosage will be determined based on the individual’s specific symptoms and response to treatment.