What is Migraine ?
Migraine is otherwise known as Hemicrania; so it refers to one sided
headache, usually of throbbing, pulsating nature and frequently being associated
with nausea, vomiting, blurring of vision along with sensitivity to light and sound.
This pain can interfere with daily life because of its intensity, frequency and
persistence. It may persist for few hours to days. Prodromal symptoms or warning
signs are also presented with visual disturbances, tingling sensations on face or
any other spot also difficulty in speaking. Migraine can affect all age groups but
teen agers and young adults are more prone for such illness.
Symptoms of Migraine:
Symptoms of this illness is broadly divided into four stages; Prodrome, Aura, Symptoms during attack proper and postdrome.
Prodrome appears one or two days before the attack proper. Certain changes occur in body physiology or psychology like constipation, craving for
certain type of food, changes in frequency of urination, frequent yawning, mood swings etc. Aura occurs just before or during the attack. These are usually reversible
symptoms and mostly belong to the visual group of symptoms. Blurring, flotters, numbness, tingling of face or extremities, difficulty in speaking etc. can appear as aura. Aura may persist for few minutes to maximum 60 minutes. Symptom proper of migraine during a attack are like pain on one side of head and at times it can be settled on both sides too, throbbing or pulsating type of pain with sensitivity to light and noise and at time sensitivity to smell and touch being associated with nausea and or vomiting. It may persist for a maximum period of 72 hours, but usually it resolves within few hours.
Postdrome or after migraine symptoms include weakness, sleepiness, drowsiness and confusion etc.
Causes of Migraine:
Causes of migraine is not known fully, still Genetics and environmental factors are believed to play some role here. Role of some neuro-chemicals, neuro
transmitters like serotonin, calcitonin and stimulation of trigeminal nerve etc can also be postulated.
Triggering factors:
There are various factors that tigger an attack includes, stress, hormonal changes like being associated with menstruationor climacteric condition, some hormonal medications, physical strain, loss of sleep, alcohol, certain food and food additives, weather conditions and strong sensory stimuli like strong odour etc.
Very rarely migraine can give rise to complications like stroke, cerebral ischemia or infarction, migralepsy (epilepsy),status migrainosus persisting for more than 72
hours requiring hospitalization, mental health issues etc. Most of the complications are related to medications like adverse reaction of analgesics or any other medication.
Risk Factors:
Risk factors are like having family history, adolescence, female xes and hormonal
changes in body in natural or artificial manner etc.
Homoeopathic Management:
Homeopathic treatment is quite effective in managing migraine. Indication of some of the commonly indicated Homoeopathic medicines are mentioned below.
Homoeopathic treatment is always patient specific, so medicines are selected on the basis of the holistic symptoms totality of the person affected.
Natrum muriaticum:
Chronic, congestive, throbbing, blinding, semi lateral, menstrual headache from sunrise to sunset with nausea and vomiting. Periodical headache from eye strain. Sensation as if thousand little hammers are knocking and head feels too large. Anemic headache of school girls. Numbness and tingling in the lips, tongue and nose before headache. Headache get relieved by sleep and worse during morning hours on awakening and after menstruation. Mostly left sided headaches.
Argentum nitricum:
Migraine from mental exertion, emotional disturbances and dancing. Sensation of expansion and as if the bones of head are separated. General debility and trembling sensation. Headache better on tight bandaging and pressure.
Nervous periodic headache beginning in morning at base of brain and spreads over the head being located on eye, orbit or temple of left side. Headacheat sunrise and at its hight.at noon. Pain over the frontal eminence and temples extending to the left eye. Migraine with violent throbbing pain worse while making a false step. Sensation as if a band is it tied around the head. Pain aggravated by touch, motion and noise. Pain is better by lying on right side and with head high.
Onosmodium :
Chiefly left sided pain located over occipito frontal region aggravation during morning hour on waking. Headache from eye strain and sexual weakness. Headache worse from motion and jar and better while lying down on back.
Nux vomica:
Congestive frontal headache associated with haemirrhoids. Frontal headache with desire to press the head against something. Pressing pain in the vertex. Sensation as if a nail is driven through. Headache in sunshine, morning, mental exertion, tobacco, alcohol, coffee and open air etc.
Left sided migraine worse stooping especially after drinking milk, heat of sun and by rapid motion. Sharp pain through the eyes.
Sanguinaria canadensis:
Right sided headache, pain begins in the occiput, spreads upwards and settles over the eyes especially on right eye. Veins on the temples are distended. Pain begins in morning and increase during the day and lasts until evening. Head feels as if it would burst. Headache during climatic period returning every 7th day. Headache worse from noise, light and sound and better from sleep, and perfectly quiet, dark room.
Kali bichromicum:
Headache preceded by blurring of vision or blindness. Sight returns as headache increases. Frontal pain usually over one eye. pain in small spots rapidly shifting, appearing and disappearing suddenly. Wants to lie down and aversion to light and noise. Headache worse in hot weather.
Cedron :
Pain from temple to temple across the eyes and pain over the entire right side of face coming on at about 9:00 AM. Roaring in ears. Periodicity is most prominent in this drug.
Silicea :
Pain begin in the occiput and spreads all over the head and settles over the eyes. Chronic sick headache. Pain especially over right eye. Pain aggravated from draft of air or uncovering the head feels better by pressure and wrapping up warmly, also by profuse urination.
Iris versicolor :
Frontal headache with nausea and scalp feels constricted. Right temple is affected especially. pain begins with a blur before eyes, after relaxing from a mental strain. Pain aggravated from rest, evening and night. Amelioration from continued motion is observed in this medicine.
These are few homoeopathic medicines and there are a huge range of homoeopathic medicines to suit the need of the patient. Besides medication, stress management, changes in life style, avoiding triggering factors and knowing about this disease are also essential.
It’s important to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for proper evaluation and individualized treatment. Homeopathic remedies are highly diluted and considered safe when prescribed by a trained professional. They are typically available in various potencies, and the appropriate potency and dosage will be determined based on the individual’s specific symptoms and response to treatment.
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Plot No. 207, Bapuji Nagar, Bhubaneswar
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Dr Rajendra Kumar Dash is available for online consultations also. He provides consultations world wide. Drop a WhatsApp message to fix your consultation time.